Donor Recognition Wall

    Digital Donor Wall Signage for Nature Center

    Digital Donor Wall Signage for Nature Center

    Project Details


    Looking for a way to combine an informational piece and a donor recognition wall into one display at the Wickiup Hill Outdoor Learning Center, Presentations integrated proximity switch lighting, translucent prints, 42″ digital touchscreen and Google maps all into one fun, engaging donor wall.

    Located within the main entrance, every visitor to the Center is immediately struck by the engaging donor display. A little of bit of something for everyone, visitors can locate the different outdoor facilities by using the Google Maps interface or find out upcoming events through the Google Calendar interface.

    When visitors engage the proximity slider by moving it to the different giving levels, the dragonfly light trail spins down the graphic panel and lands on the touchscreen to display the specific donor list. Visually stunning graphics and colors combine with the translucent donor panels to celebrate individual donors and shine with the use of LED lighting. Oak trim was custom stained to match the rest of the facilities woodwork and CNC cut to protect the graphic panels.

    Layering of the panels and three dimensional dragonflies finish off the spectacular donor wall and complete the all inclusive donor recognition display wall.

    Check out the video to see the interactive elements.